MacWorld 1999 January - Disc 2
Macworld (1999-01) (Disk 2).dmg
Serious Demos
Symbolic Composer 4.2
Contributed Scores
Piano Inventions
Invention 5
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154 lines
; Invention V - for solo keyboard. Words by Margaret Melicharova
(setq stanza1
'(Fin ge ring the dunes = their whis ke ry gra sses =
The ex clu sive gli ste ning mud flats and creeks =
Bird bound =
As it comes in land
The sea
Lines the main land
With salt crust = sea la ven der = sea spurge =
Bleached and ra ttling =
And marks the gho stly shore line
Where tides cli max on ly some times = =))
(setq stanza1v
'(64 44 54 44 50 0 34 44 34 30 38 32 0
40 45 50 44 54 44 40 50 44 40 42 0
45 40 0
45 46 47 48 52
45 64
50 54 58 54
48 52 44 0 34 44 40 38 0 44 54 0
60 54 64 67 0
45 50 52 54 50 45 40
45 54 60 74 60 54 44 34 0 0))
(setq stanza1r
(change-length times 2
'(24 24 24 24 48 24 24 32 32 32 48 48 72
12 12 48 48 32 32 32 32 32 32 96 96
48 48 96
24 24 24 24 72
24 96
72 24 48 96
48 48 48 48 48 32 32 32 48 48 48 48
72 24 48 48 48
48 72 24 48 48 48 96
48 96 24 72 48 48 48 48 96)))
(setq stanza2
'(= The land = not flat but su pine =
Ac cepts the seas e mo tion less ca re sses
But keeps its own coun sel = =))
(setq stanza2v '(0 50 64 0 45 54 50 52 46 0
45 54 50 64 60 62 64 66 68 64 54
45 50 46 40 48 44 0 0))
(setq stanza2r
(change-length times 2
'(48 48 96 48 48 48 48 48 48 72
24 48 48 48 48 24 24 24 24 48 96
48 32 32 32 48 48 96 72)))
(setq stanza3
'(A bove the tide gate is fresh wa ter = =))
(setq stanza3v '(54 64 60 68 72 64 60 62 54 0 0))
(setq stanza3r
(change-length times 2
'(24 48 48 48 96 48 96 48 48 48 48)))
(setq stanza4
'(Mo del for sym bi o sis = this u nion
Of land and sea here = se pa rate =
But mar king each o thers mar gins
So su btly that
the boun da ries are ne ver cer tain = =))
(setq stanza4v
'(54 50 52 64 62 66 60 0 50 58 54
45 50 54 68 50 0 45 50 55 0
45 54 54 50 54 50 60 54
45 54 50 44
45 54 50 45 50 58 54 60 54 0 0))
(setq stanza4r
(change-length times 2
'(32 32 32 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 96
48 48 48 192 48 48 32 32 32 48
48 48 96 48 48 48 48 96
48 48 96 24
24 24 24 24 24 48 48 48 48 96 48)))
(setq stanza5
'(The o pen sea is cer tain = though = in vi ting and te rri ble =
It sub dues the wai ting land scape re mo tely = by su gge stion =
In its full ness ad ja cent to vast cre vi ces =
Of the ul ti mate se duc tion of a flood))
(setq stanza5v
'(45 50 48 56 52 60 56 0 45 0 46 54 52 50 64 68 72 0
52 56 60 54 58 54 56 60 45 50 45 0 40 45 50 48 0
44 48 50 45 48 54 50 52 70 60 64 68 0
50 52 54 50 45 48 50 45 74 64 80))
(setq stanza5r
(change-length times 2
'(48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 32 32 32 32 32 32 128
32 32 48 48 48 48 48 96 48 48 48 144 24 24 48 48 48
24 24 32 32 32 32 32 32 96 32 32 32 48
24 24 24 24 24 24 48 144 24 24 96)))
(setq zones (list (make-zone stanza1r) (make-zone stanza2r)
(make-zone stanza3r) (make-zone stanza4r)
(make-zone stanza5r)))
piano (append stanza1 stanza2 stanza3 stanza4 stanza5)
piano (append stanza1r stanza2r stanza3r stanza4r stanza5r)
piano (append stanza1v stanza2v stanza3v stanza4v stanza5v)
piano (activate-tonality (locrian b 3)(major c 4)
(dorian d 4) (phrygian e 4)
(lydian f 4))
piano zones
piano 1
(def-tempo 30)
(compile-instrument-p "ccl;output:" "invention5"